David Iain Greig greig at ediacara.org
Sat Sep 16 09:25:07 EDT 2000


Press Release
September 15, 2000


The Original Kludged Micro-Computer OS
THE EVOLUTION OF CRUD: A lecture (with slides) by David I. Greig

David I. Greig, a leading systems architect and engineer from Toronto,
will not be speaking in six British Columbia cities on the design features
of Microsoft Windows from Sept. 23 - 30. The lecture series is not
sponsored by the Creation Science Association of British Columbia
<http://van.planeteer.com/~creation>, nor Microsoft Canada.

David I. Greig:

* senior design specialist systems architect 

* studied engineering physics, biochemistry and medical biophysic at the
University of Toronto 

* has worked for the EDS, Rogers Communications Inc. and the his uncle,
stuffing envelopes at age 5, among others

* vaguely remembers seeing Apollo XVII on the moon

* on-and-off-again user of Windows since .. oh.. Version 2

With experience in installing and configuring operating systems, Mr. Greig 
began studying the quirks and flaws of the Microsoft Windows system.   His 
conclusion is that the prior claim of a team of skilled programmers (or 
Creators) is dwarfed the efforts of Microsoft Marketing and Sale, and that
this design could not have been intended.

Greig has met the authors of lots of books on computers and read books on 
the Microsoft software development life cycle: _Screw The Proles, Don't
Fix the Holes: The Evolution of MS Exchange_ (by W. Gates), and _From 
Darkness into Light to Flight: Using Windows CE to Run the Space Shuttle_
(S. Ballmer - foreword by J. Reno).

For further reference:

David I. Greig [Bio]

Heroin-loaded Needles Required For MCSE Survival
by David I. Greig

Undesigned Features of the Microsoft Windows Life Cycle
by H4KK3R-D00D

The terrified migrating-to-Windows2000 MCSE
by Anonymous

Future looks dim for Monopoly  (J. Reno)

Meanwhile, a new report says monopolistic OS giants may face a difficult
future. At this time of year, IT managers (aka Monarchs of IT) across the 
country start heading to COMDEX. Eventually, hundreds and thousands of 
monarchs will make it to a section of desert in Nevada.  They spend the 
winter there and then migrate north when Comdex ends. But researchers say 
what was once a vast crowd of sheep who would lap up Microsoft marketing
drivel is now a series of people who are aware Microsoft sells buggy
apps running on unreliable OS's.  The first-ever survey of the area
shows there's only about half as much interest in upgrading from NT 
to 2000 as there was 2 years ago - and the researchers estimate that
more and more of Microsoft's previously 'captive' server market will be 
gone within the next half decade.

Researchers Find Key to Idiots Who Keep Buying Microsoft

Journey to Redmond (with Linus Torvalds)

Windows ME Migration Update: Don't

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