Insect Web Site

Mark Walker MWalker at
Wed Sep 27 14:41:58 EDT 2000

Don't know if we've circulated this before - pretty nice looking site.

Mark Walker.

> A very talented and dedicated guy named Dexter Sear has 
> created a colorful, visually stunning site
> that's perfect for kids and curious adults. It's broken down 
> into four sections. Entophiles is a
> database of hundreds of insects, from Dragonflies to Walking 
> Sticks. Look up each insect's common
> name, scientific name, description, and photo. Cedigest 
> contains articles on Cultural Entomology,
> which studies how bugs affect human society. (Surprise! It's 
> more than just bites and stings.)
> Class:Insectia explores different aspects of insects, such as 
> studying moth wing patterns. It's a
> great resource for teachers and students alike. Finally, 
> Entolinks is a list of other useful insect
> Web sites.
> Shalom Aleichem
> "This is what the Lord says,     he who made the earth,    
> the Lord who formed it and established
> it--the Lord is his name:     'Call to me and I will answer 
> you and tell you great and unsearchable
> things you do not know.' "
> Jer.  33; 2-3
> Rorate,     coeli,     desuper,     et nubes pluant Justum
> Semper Fidelis

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