need butterfly images

Bret Murray bret69 at
Wed Sep 27 17:54:40 EDT 2000

I have a few of them on my website and you are welcome to use the images.
ludlowi is only known from the type series in the British museum. No others
exist to my knowlege.
O akakaea is not a true species (just a ssp)
I think the rest are illustrated on my site

B Murray M.D.

Chaweewan Hutacharern wrote:

> Hello,
> I am producing an identification guide on the Thai protected insect species
> and the butterflies under CITES Appendices in Thai language. This is  not
> for commercial purpose but distribute it for free from the Royal Forest
> Department. I received most of the images from the courtesy of Environment
> Canada. But I still do need some of the missing photos of certain species. I
> would like to seek any one who has the color photos and can allow me to use
> the pictures for publishing. These are the species that I need:
> Male and female of the following
> Bhutanitis ludlowi
> Ornithoptera urvillianus
> Ornithoptera caelestis
> Ornithoptera akakeae
> Ornithoptera allottei
> Ornithoptera richmondia
> Teinopalpus aureus
> Troides darsius
> Troides dohertyi
> Troides haliphron naias
> I certainly acknowledge the owners or the photograhers in this book as well
> as providing some copies for uses.
> Hope someone out there can help to improve this book.
> Chaweewan
> >

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