why caterpillars eat their eggshells

Martha Rosett Lutz lutzrun at avalon.net
Sun Apr 1 20:19:44 EDT 2001

Ummmm . . . I'm not sure how to explain this delicately.  Liz Day
apparently misunderstood me when I mentioned coprophagy.  In her response
to my note, she wrote:

MVL:  >I don't like the hypothesis of feeding on conspecifics stimulated by
kairomones in their
 >bodies from the plants they feed on.  This would argue for coprophagy,

LD:  "Unless there were other, additional responses to chemicals that inhibited
them from eating dead ones (certainly many good reasons for not eating dead
ones come to mind)."

I wasn't thinking of necrophagy (is that a word?).  Coprophagy is something
a bit different.  Let's just say that in spite of plenty of opportunities
to sample their frass (okay--I don't 'scoop' after every time my
caterpillars relieve themselves--I'm a bit lazy and just clean the cages
once every day or two), the leps I work with hav never tried it.

In Stride,
Martha Rosett Lutz


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