Holland's Butterfly Book

John.Snyder at furman.edu John.Snyder at furman.edu
Mon Apr 2 08:00:54 EDT 2001

This is a self-published book of about 50 pages, written in 1994 by Joel M.
Johnson.  His address is:

59 East 400 North
Payson, UT 84651

You could find his phone number by entering this information into a
web-based facility that does such things.
Last summer he said he still has a few left.  I can't remember his asking
price, but I believe it was $15 or less.  I am using it in developing my
on-line database showing which "major" books show the various North
American moth species (at http://www.furman.edu/~snyder/imagelist/ ).

John Snyder
Furman University

>>>>I've heard a rumour that somewhere there is a list that gives the
proper current
taxonomic names of all the moth species that Holland lists. Does anyone
where I could find a copy?


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