multicaudata ( try IV )

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at
Mon Apr 2 23:46:55 EDT 2001

DON WROTE: "Moth works have for the most part continued to follow the
ICZN rules but many
of us would find it easier to use original spellings but think that the
rules provide stability and breaking them does not."

It's not clear to me that changing the ending of a species name
everytime you change the generic gender "provides stability". It makes
it seem that spelling doesn't matter. (Maybe that's why we have common
names). On the other hand, it's not likely that anyone has been confused
about which taxon was being referred to regardless of the spelling. 

In writing a faunal work (NJ) We worried much more about whether or not
to accept the latest generic revisions (for example of Hairstreaks), and
never thought much about declensions. 

Mike Gochfeld


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