Look on Earth from satellite

Vr. Richard Bejsak-Colloredo-Mansfeld ricardo at ans.com.au
Thu Apr 5 18:05:46 EDT 2001

Now you can look on the earth on your computer from a satellite.. Even you
can zoooom in..
To view the Earth as currently seen from a satellite in Earth orbit, choose
the satellite from the list below and press the "View Earth from Satellite"
button. The satellite database is updated regularly but may not reflect the
current position of satellites, such as the U.S. Space Shuttle, which
maneuver frequently after reaching orbit.
You can choose from around 50 satellites..

Just go to www.coleoptera.org click on <other useful things>, after click on
<Locality search> and first line on this page takes you to satellite

Keep care and be of good cheer.


(name) Vratislav Richard Eugene Maria John Baptist
(surname) of Bejsak (Bayshark)-Colloredo-Mansfeld

website: http://www.coleoptera.org
listserver: coleoptera on www.egroup.com/group/coleoptera/info.html
Coleoptera - Australia, Tenebrionidae of World
(incl. Lagriinae, Alleculinae)

University of Sydney
The Wentworth Bldg., Box 62
NSW 2006
phone  :  +61 414 540 465
email: vratislav at bigfoot.com
           ricardo at ans.com.au
           (before Ricardo at compuserve.com
             and    ricardo at login.cz )

Only after the last tree has been cut down,
only after the last river has been poisoned,
only after the last fish has been caught,
only then will you find that money can not be eaten.'

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