Beware: Photo Library!

Basil R. Halhed halhed at
Sat Apr 7 10:57:32 EDT 2001

[This followup was posted to and a copy was sent to the cited author.]

Hello all,

	At the captioned web site, apparently the music player used and/or 
the music or ??? consistently crashes my usually bullet-proof Windows NT 
4.0 SP6a server system running Internet Explorer V5.00.

	It's the first, second... time in many a month that I have had the 
NT blue screen of death, and repeatedly, at that.  The only recovery is a 
full power down.

	Also, the blue screen listing shows the NT FAT32 file system as 
the second to last thing accessed before my system shuts down.  It could, 
therefore, be a virus imbedded in the web site and one of my virus 
programs is taking extreme action.

	Take care.  But the photos are great!

= = = = =
Basil Halhed  President & Principal Consultant
Halhed Enterprises Inc.
b_halhed at


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