Field Guide Brochure

Chris J. Durden drdn at
Mon Apr 9 12:43:36 EDT 2001

What you missed is the need for a field guide for the men-in-jodhpurs on 
their cycles behind the billboard. They are not only watching for speeding 
cars. Some of them are avid birders and a little recreational butterfly 
watching would help while away the hours on lonely country roads.
.............Chris Durden

At 06:06 PM 4/8/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>I recently received a brochure for the" Field Guide to Butterflies of
>Illinois." The book is very similar in style to "Michigan Butterflies &
>Skippers." I am currently the Newsletter Editor of the Society of Kentucky
>Lepidopterists, as I was preparing the Book Announcement for the newsletter I
>noticed something that greatly disturbed me. Int the Brochure heading was the
>A field guide to aid biologists, naturalist, land managers, law enforcement
>officials, and students in the identification of butterflies found in
>Illinois. This guide contains more than 300 color photographs of all species
>plus information on habitats, natural history, and distribution>
>What disturbed me was the need of "law enforcement Officials" to have this
>Did the authors think that law enforcement officials need to be able to
>identify all the butterflies that are found in Illinois? Will this help them
>to prevent crimes! Or, does Illinois have endangered species and this book
>will help them to identify butterflies that a collector may have in their
>position? I mentioned this to a non lepidopterists friend of mind, his
>comment, "Essential Reading for every Chicago Cop! "
>Any comments, or did I miss something when I read the brochure!

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