"Dali..." and CT moths

JH jhimmel at connix.com
Tue Apr 10 08:07:32 EDT 2001

My favorite quote comes from Dali - "The only difference between me and an insane man is I'm not insane."

Anyway, to give you a taste of the lep situation in my little corner of the world - It was in the mid 70's yesterday in Connecticut USA and figured it was way past time to get the light going.  Fourteen species, one of them a new one for my yard, showed up.  Some of them, though, have been around since March at my porchlight.

Pyreferra hesperidago - abundant
Psaphida resumens
Morrisonia evicta
Copipanolis styracis
Lithophane hemina
Lithophane petulca - new for my yard
Orthosia hibisci
Cladara atroliturata
Phigalia titea - abundant!
Phigalia strigataria
Eupithecia sp.

And at least four other tiny spp that I didn't get around to id-ing (or just couldn't).

Mourning Cloaks all over and a Question Mark were also around yesterday.  Other people are reporting Eastern Commas.  Also my first orthoptera of the season - Tetris ornata (Ornate Grouse Locust) - but that's sort'a cheating since they overwinter as adults.

Best - 

John Himmelman
Killingworth, CT USA
jhimmel at connix.com
Visit my websites at:
-----Original Message-----
From: Niklas Wahlberg <Niklas.Wahlberg at zoologi.su.se>
To: leps-l at lists.yale.edu <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
Date: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 1:44 AM
Subject: Re: "Dali Greets the World"

>At 02:34 2001.04.10 +0000, Emily R Echols wrote:
>>I found this quote in a book compiled and edited by Joseph Head and S.L.
>>                 [The following estract from an article "Dali Greets the
>>                 World" by Ben Martin appeared in teh N.Y. Herald Tribune's
>>                 magazine Today's Living for January 24, 1960, being a
>>                 report of an interview with this famous artist:]
>>         [Dali stated]:  "If you will study the entire series of cards [he
>>had painted] you will find one theme runs through most almost all--the
>>butterfly.  The butterfly is not present only because it is in iteself a
>>thing of beauty.  It is present because to one of the greatest Spanish
>>mystics, St. Theresa of Avila, the butterfly was the symbol of the soul.
>>The ugly, ungainly caterpillar, our body, enters a form of the grave, the
>>cocoon.  Out of this death emerges the butterfly--beautiful, free, no
>>longer earthbound.  To me, as to St. Theresa, the butterfly is the soul of
>I wonder what caterpillar Dali was thinking of? I find all butterfly and 
>moth larvae quite beautiful!
>Niklas Wahlberg
>Department of Zoology
>Stockholm University
>S-106 91 Stockholm
>Phone: +46 8 164047
>Fax:   +46 8 167715
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