message in bottle

Richard Worth rworth at
Wed Apr 11 16:38:38 EDT 2001

I'll put my agony against your agony any day.  Sunny(I'm squinting), 
but only 55 deg.(deceptivly nice), also trapped inside, I lost count 
of the months with no lepping, cabin fever has led to other medical 
conditions like sensitivity to light, I tend to rust now, not tan; 
psych ailments - apathy toward work and general daydreaming about 
places to visit this summer to collect.
Tiny hope, I saw something fly by my window and...  nevermind, it was 
a crow.  I've seen 1 P. rapae this year.  Good news is it should be 
61 and sunny by Sunday, so hopefully I'll come back with an actual 
field report.


>Oh the agony, 80 to 90 degrees, beautiful skies, perfect days, trapped
>inside, 10 days with no lepping, feeling weak, need help, can't hold out
>much longer.
>Tiny hope, saw something fly by window, looked like a Cloudless Sulphur.
>  ------------------------------------------------------------
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Richard A. Worth
Oregon Department of Agriculture
Plant Division
rworth at
(503) 986-6461


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