Bot Flies

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at
Sun Apr 22 22:30:23 EDT 2001

I have made 27 trips to the Neotropics totalling just over three years, 
and this is the first time I have encountered Bot Flies, although some 
people are unfortunate enough to get them on their first trip. Moreover, 
it is not uncommon for them to be multiple---particularly in threes 
(like me). 

It sounds like Belize is a hot spot for bots, since several people I 
know have gotten them there. However, I know of one person who got three 
bot flies on a trip to northern Argentina. 

As John says they're not really "cute". But it sounds like he had a 
worse seige than many victims.  I wonder how many species are involved. 

M. Gochfeld


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