Red Admirals Migrating through Iowa

Paul Cherubini monarch at
Thu Apr 26 00:25:31 EDT 2001

Today has been an outstanding day for the Painted Lady migration
in the Sacramento area of California. At any moment some could be
seen in flight including right up to sunset this evening. They have
been consistently moving NW, occassionally W and rarely SW.
I don't recall seeing any going N or NE. They are moderately faded 
but not tattered. I would say in the neighborhood of 5-10 per minute 
are crossing a 100 foot long line in front of me. Impressive, but 
certainly nothing close to the 200 per minute that have been seen in Yuma.

The first big migrations began around April 16-17, then came a period
of cold wet weather with few in flight and now we are back into calm, 
hot weather.

The last big year for Painted Ladies we had was in the April & May 1992. 
That year I saw a big northward migration while driving from Reno to
Salt Lake City during the 3rd week of May.

Paul Cherubini, Placerville, Calif.


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