Vanessa migration

Robert Dana robert.dana at
Mon Apr 30 18:11:20 EDT 2001

Yesterday (Sunday, 29 April) in the morning I noticed a substantial number of V. atalanta adults in Minneapolis, along with a lesser number of V. cardui. These were most commonly flying northward, but because this is a densely developed residential neighborhood, there was some dodging around houses, garages, trees, etc., and some investigation of plants, woodpile, etc. Later, I saw butterflies in a couple of semienclosed landscape and garden stores. The ones I got a good look at were moderately fresh looking. These are the first of either of these spp. I have seen this year, though colleagues at work mentioned having seen some numbers of them around here a couple of days earlier.

There was a very strong southerly flow of air (wind!) yesterday, and temperatures got into the upper 80s (F) at least.

Robert Dana, Ph.D.
Natural Heritage and Nongame Research Program
500 Lafayette Rd, Box 25
St. Paul, MN 55155
651 297-2367
Email: robert.dana at


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