frass expulsion

Chuck Vaughn aa6g at
Mon Aug 6 09:09:10 EDT 2001


I've seen the same thing here with Anise Swallowtails. If they make it
to 3rd instar they have a much higher chance of survival. I did find
a chrysalis on the fennel plant recently and put it in a cage. After
about a week some small flies of some kind emerged directly from
the chrysalis. I guess different parasitic insects favor different

Chuck <aa6g at>

> Liz,
> I have raised a few anise swallowtails over the years. I have noticed that
> if I collect first instars, they are sometimes parasitized by a wasp that
> emerges from the second instar. I haven't noticed the wasp in older
> caterpillars. So maybe some some caterpillars don't have to worry after the
> first instar.
> Sally


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