Moths Imagelist Completed

John.Snyder at John.Snyder at
Mon Aug 6 21:06:31 EDT 2001

Back in February I announced a web resource to help find which book(s) have
pictures of various North American moth species.  That version was (1)
slow-loading, since it showed all species of a given family and (2)
incomplete, since it worked only for five families.

So, now, a second announcement.  Imagelist is now a searchable database,
with very fast return of information.  It is also now complete for all
families of North American moths.

Thus, it should save a great deal of time spent thumbing through index
pages of those moth books on your bookshelf.  It will also tell you whether
you should be trying to obtain one or more of the described books, as you
will see which ones contain descriptions of the animals in which you have

To visit this site, go to:

Features:  (1)  Complete contents of ten books and/or web sites are
surveyed.  (2) For each species, it is indicated whether the resource has
images of the larva, or the adult, or both.  (3) A total of 5,035 species
are described.  (4) Includes all currently published volumes of the ongoing
project, "Moths of America North of Mexico."  (5) Includes active links to
several Web sites that are resources of moth/caterpillar images.

John Snyder
Dept. of Biology
Furman University


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