FW: South Texas Excitement - New Texas Record: MIMIC

Mike Soukup mikayak at mdo.net
Mon Aug 13 06:14:20 EDT 2001

That's nice.  Now..... what in the world is "A Mimic"?

Mike Quinn wrote:

> Hi Folks, A little excitement in the Lower Rio Grande Valley last Friday, a
> male Mimic was seen and photographed at the Sabal Palm Grove Sanctuary,
> Brownsville, Cameron Co., TX by Charles Bordelon and Ed Knudson. The Palm
> Grove staff and volunteers recently put in an outstanding butterfly garden
> that's a magnet to both butterflies and butterfly watchers. Walker's
> Metalmark was also seen there last week by Bordelon and Knudson. Blue
> Metalmark is becoming common at the Sabal's gardens. Other notable RGV
> gardens include: Santa Ana and Laguna Atascosa NWRs and the Valley Nature
> Center in Weslaco. Mike Quinn
> -----Original Message-----
> From: jimmypaz at ies.net [mailto:jimmypaz at ies.net]
> Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 9:55 PM
> To: Mike Quinn
> Subject: Re: Was the Mimic found in the Gardens???
> Hello Mike,
> The Mimic was seen and photographed.
> Charlie [Bordelon] had told me earlier he had seen it in the butterfly
> garden. He was excited but also a little disappointed because the Mimic
> made a couple of loops around him and flew away and he could not find
> where it went.
> At 2:15 p.m. Ernie and I were changing implements on the tractor behind the
> Casa de Colores when we heard screams coming from the vicinity of the
> visitor center. Of course our adrenalin shot up and we raced toward the
> visitor center, Ernie in the truck and me on the tractor!
> When we got there we found Charlie and Ed and Cecilia in the parking lot
> with the Mimic. Charlie was shaking like a leaf he was so excited. Cecilia
> also heard the screams and had come running out to see what was happening.
> Ed [Knudson] has photos he took with his digital and will send us some.
> Ed and Charlie think the Mimic may have been blown to this area by that
> storm that was in the Gulf last week.
> Jimmy [Paz, Sabal Manager]
> Sabal Palm Audubon Center & Sanctuary
> http://www.audubon.org/local/sanctuary/sabal/
> ----------------------------------------------
> Mimic (Hypolimnas misippus) Info links:
> http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/distr/lepid/bflyusa/usa/173.htm
> http://www.nearctica.com/butter/plate16/Hmisipp.htm
> http://www.inra.fr/Internet/Produits/PAPILLON/papilion/nymphali/texteng/h_mi
> sipp.htm
> ------------------------------------------------
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Texas Butterfly Festival: Oct. 18-21
> Rio Grande Valley - Mission, TX
> Mission Chamber: 800/580-2700
> <http://www.texasbutterfly.com>
> NABA-South Texas Butterfly Information:
> http://www.naba.org/chapters/nabast/index.html
> To receive the Texas Butterfly Festival brochure, click on this link:
> mailto:Info at MissionChamber.com?subject=Butterfly_Festival_Information
> and send us your mailing address. See you in October!!!
>  ------------------------------------------------------------
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