pollination question

John Grehan jrg13 at psu.edu
Wed Aug 15 22:22:59 EDT 2001

Perhaps my ignorance is unforgivable, but what on earth is NOAA? (i.e. 
please supplement acronyms with organizations named in full for the benefit 
of the ignorant).

John Grehan

At 03:07 PM 8/15/01 -0700, you wrote:
>Perhaps the original statement was something like 80% of flowers are visited
>(rarely!) by beetles. Certainly bees win the maximum pollination reward. I
>can't back this up with a quote or study at present since I am 3000 miles
>from my library in Washington, giving a talk on extinction at a NOAA
>workshop. All lepidopterists with 30 dollars in their pocket should buy
>Proctor, Yeo and somebody new, the best overview of pollination biology
>patfoley at csus.edu
>Ron Gatrelle wrote:
> > A few weeks ago I read on the web some place that over 80% of pollination
> > is done by beetles. I deleted this and don't recall any other info. Does
> > any one else here have a ref for this. I think we lepsters usually think
> > butterflies and moths are right up there behind bees. If I heard this
> > right, "we" are all way behind beetles in this. Please answer to us all.
> > Ron
> >
> >
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