d'Abrera Butterfly Concise World Atlas Available
Dameron, Wanda
be496 at lafn.org
Wed Aug 22 14:48:49 EDT 2001
In searching for seconds of parts 4 & 6 of the Neotropical series
(anybody have for sale?) found that the above long-awaited book is
available. It will retail for $112 Jan 1, but currently Bio-Quip has it
on special for $99. 310-324-0620; http://www.bioquip.com;
bioquip at aol.com attn Cindy Mapp My copy on order. Further info from
the d'Abrera Hill House Publishing site <http://welcome.to/hillhouse>
The collections of the British Museum (Natural History) are, by
universal agreement, the most important and comprehensive insect
collection in the world. The world renowned series Butterflies of the
World is, in effect, the author`s synoptic compression of those
collections into the 25
volumes that have been published to date. In order to facilitate their
publication, the author and his wife established Hill House Publishers
in 1982.
These famous volumes, whilst being indespensable reference works for
lepidopterists, are both too large to transport and expensive to
Consequently, the author has undertaken to compress the 25 volumes into
a single portable and inexpensive volume, for use as a first reference
guide in the field. It is in effect, a necessary primer for those who
would simply like to have at their finger-tips, something reliable for
the recognition of butterflies, at least to generic level.
The book is arranged to follow the systematics of the larger volumes,
but in doing so it attempts to make corrections and additions to them
wherever possible. In this work are published several new genera, new
species and a long awaited rationalisation of the Neotropical genus
"Thecla"(Lycaenidae). In order to effect a satisfactory compression of
as much information as possible into the book`s portable dimensions, the
author has reduced the colour figures to less than natural size, as well
as combined halves of specimens where appropriate. The accompanying
while not running synchronously with the plates, is brief and
telegraphic in style. Needless to say, this portable volume is
extensively referenced
to the larger volumes, which are in turn referenced to the main
collections in the B.M.(N.H.) (the Natural History Museum) It must be
emphasised that this volume does not replace the larger volumes, but is
a most necessary supplement to them.
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