One more brief forward
Ron Gatrelle
gatrelle at
Thu Aug 23 15:07:01 EDT 2001
This is the last one I will forward on the names thing. One reason for
doing this is to give perspective to the "debate". Here is what I have
seen. Over on carolia leps just about everyone uses common names only -
several even reject scientific names outright re that list serve. Here on
Leps-L there is more balance - quite a bit actually. Over at taxacom which
is composed of plant, animal, insect, fish, bacteria, virus (you get the
picture) taxonomists and professionals - common names are most often
addressed as, oh, no not those dreadful things again. One point is that if
we only allow ourselves exposure to a certain "culture" we are bound to
become deluded into thinking it should be everyone's culture or that it is
the best or correct one. This is called bigotry - which if unchallenged
will inevitably lead to micro fascism or worse. The other point is that
only one set of names is all we need - now which set? I could go with
either as long as it is by an international set of rules and every
described organism gets a name. Relative to leps - at this point only the
scientific batch does both - and the common does neither.
Here tis.
>Are there any guidelines or "rules of thumb" for establishing common names
>for organisms that heretofore are known only by their scientific names?
if you have to invent it, it is not a common name, it is a fabrication...
don't do it... you will just making unnecessary work for a future
generation of taxonomists as they try and account for these things...
If the organism is common or useful enough, or has sufficient impact to
merit a common name, it will already have one... if it doesn't,
non-taxonomists do not need to talk about it and it does not need one...
There are heaps of existing name problems that need attention without
inventing new ones...
~ Jim Croft ~ jrc at ~ 02-62465500 ~ ~
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