TTR 3:4 up soon

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Fri Aug 24 16:26:37 EDT 2001

The front page of TTR 3:4 was sent to our TILS webmaster last week. I am
surprised it is not up by now. Last night I emailed him the grynea (Olive
Hairstreak) group photos and captions associated with that paper.  I will
try to get the hesseli group photos to him next week. Thus, these will be
showing up at any time at the photos section of .

List of grynea photos sent.
Mitoura grynea grynea  - neotype and topotype
Mitoura grynea smilacis - neotype and topotype
Mitoura grynea sweadneri - topotypes

The smilacis photos are the only ones anywhere. This taxon has never been
illustrated since the 1833 painting in the original description.

List of photos to be sent.
Mitoura hesseli hesseli - ex New Jersey
Mitoura hesseli angulata - type specimens

The common name Olive Hairstreak should be used for the eastern US
(grynea)subspecies in this complex and the term Siva Hairstreak for the
western part (siva). These are their historical common names and they
should continue to be used. Plus, if one common name was to be employed -
since grynea (Olive) is the nominate and older name then Olive not
"Juniper" should be the species common name. The Juniper Hairstreak is
Mitoura siva juniperaria of southern California. Further, the massive
inclusion of several genera under Callophrys in recent years has been a
rush to judgment. Many of us hairstreak workers do not agree with this at
all*. Evolutional and biological information is lost in "lumping".
Evolution is a SPLITTER not a lumper - and thus it should be mapped out by
man by what it does not laid out to fit some bored PhD's latest toy
alignments. (Especially when they have never been published in a scientific
publication with explanation.)
* see Butterflies of British Columbia by Guppy and Shepard 2001


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