Effects of temperature on stored specimens

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at tils-ttr.org
Mon Aug 27 16:58:05 EDT 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Etheridge" <doctorkilmer at netscape.net>
To: <LEPS-L at lists.yale.edu>
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 10:19 AM
Subject: Effects of temperature on stored specimens

> Can someone give me some info on what the long term effects might be from
storing cornell drawers in a dry environment where the temperature ranges
from a high of around 110 F in the summer to a low of around zero F in the
winter months?  I have stored a few specimens in this location for the past
6 years with no obvious effects, but would like to hear comments from
> Mark

Let me be argumentatively negative .
I would be concerned with the container and pinning surface. The dash
boards on cars are amazing materials -- 100+ in summer and 32 - in winter.
Eventually they all yield to physics and crack. I assume these have glass
tops which could crack or break and fall in on specimens. I would be
concerned that when contracting back into position the wooden joints would
be loosened to permit book lice to enter - these are a much bigger problem
in the south than dermestids. Styrofoam pinning surfaces would likely be
greatly effected by this and come unglued and bulge up moving specimens
into each other. I assume this is in an attic? If so, an undetected water
lead could occur and drip into/onto the cabinets. The bottom line is I
could think of a lot of potential reasons not to go this route.

A stable temp and humidity environment is the best situation, anything else
is asking for problems. Lack of space however can cause us to seek it
somewhere in less than perfect conditions - or just do what some of my
friends have done and just get a divorce.  Lonely ---- but lots more room
for bugs :-)

PS  Mark, your situation may be unique and actually work OK.   I would just
hate to recommend or endorse a wide temp swing and have someone elseadopt
it and end up with a disaster.


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