Government views Monarch Butterfly Releases as a threat to Western Milkweeds

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Sat Dec 8 12:01:09 EST 2001

Stan Gorodenski wrote: <stanlep at>

 Another example of the consequences of habitat destruction from
overpopulation, and the values of many in our society that reflect no
appreciation for 'nature'?

    Stan - If I remember correctly you posted a few weeks ago about some
property you own in Arizona and the efforts you have undertaken to keep it
as natural as possible.  At the same time your neighbors seems to have a
get rid of the weeks, plant St Augustine grass and pave the driveway
attitude.   If I am remembering correctly, the post served to illustrate
the problem of careless human sprawl into natural areas.
    There are two factors that are the most likely reason the milkweeds
being spoken of in this thread are "endangered".   One is that they were
already rare plants on their way "out" in the normal process of evolution
when humans found and named them.  In other words the cause and effect are
well before and out of the realm of modern events.  The other, and probable
cause, is human incursion and habitat destruction.
    If I read your post correctly, I might rephrase it as follows.   The
issue of Monarch release as a threat to endangered milkweeds is non
existent compared  to the present operating threat of human encroachment on
delicate habitats.  Monarchs are not the problem - people are.   I am sure
the developers love it when attention is diverted away from them and onto
"pests".  Shift focus from the real issues and problems to peripherals.

Ron Gatrelle

PS  A weed is simply any plant that grows where a human does not want it


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