Government views Monarch Butterfly Releases as a threat to Western Milkweeds

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Tue Dec 11 16:16:04 EST 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Parcelles,Jr." <rjparcelles at>
To: <patfoley at>; "Mark Walker" <MWalker at>
Cc: <leps-l at>
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 1:43 PM
Subject: Re: Government views Monarch Butterfly Releases as a threat to
Western Milkweeds

> Monarchs at wedings---pagan tribal rites showing a "oneness with
> or is it just a release of flying flowers.
> Patrick you are getting right to the heart of the matter in this post. We
> as scientists, to quide environmental advocates into a proactive rahter
than a
> reactive stance. For once Paul has made some good points, however to come
> with mathematical models in this case is as pointless as projecting
> rates for a millennium.
> Ron, you just made some excellent points in your last post. But when it
is all
> saaid and done man is "temporal" and wants it all at any one time and can
> "see" his eventual demise or his reduction to an insignificant species on
> planet. Until we can truly comprehend the fourth dimension we will not be
> to get a "handle" on time.
> Bob Parcelles, Jr.
> Pinellas Park, FL

Mark, Bob, all.
    Dittos on your responses.  I was being the "straight man" on this to
solicit the responses.   It is the factor of "responsibility" that
overrides the pragmatic or fatalistic positions.  I do believe in God from
the Christian perspective, and thus believe in individual accountability,
absolutes, truth etc.   The point is that there are many factors that
should be weighed together relative to this thread.  Monarchs, plants,
human enjoyment, free enterprise, etc.  When we selfishly look only at this
from "our" pet perspective I don't think a just and equitable solution can
be arrived at.  Does not the best solution always leave those all around
the periphery unhappy with the course chosen?   We should either just
embrace the broad fatalistic nothing to nothing view and eat drink and be
merry for tomorrow we die -- or enter into responsible dialogue to see the
validity in the other guys views and reach an equitable course of



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