Virus hoax

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Sat Dec 15 11:01:08 EST 2001

I got an email yesterday sent from someone I know, and addressed to about
10 lepsters I also know.  It had no title.  The email text was a warning to
recipients about a virus called sulfnbk.exe.  (It said this is a virus that
hides for 14 days and then kicks in.)  The email had instructions on how to
find this in my files and then said I should delete it AND then delete the
recycle bin too.   I am pretty cautious and did nothing. Today I called my
son-in-law who deals with this stuff for a living.  I told him I was
suspicious that this was a trick to get me to delete a legitimate file.  He
said I was correct and sent me to  He walked me through how
to find out about this "HOAX".

Here is the specific URL on this HOAX.  As you will see this is a normal
part of your computer program files. It is located in C:\Windows\Command .
However, as you will see in reading the Symantec URL below - there is
another virus activator by the same  but it will be in a different location
on your computer.  So if you got a "warning" email I sure hope you did
nothing for if you did you just deleted a file you need to operate your
system.  All the info is at:

Ron Gatrelle
TILS president
Charleston, SC - USA


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