Mark again

Richard Worth rworth at
Tue Dec 18 12:22:27 EST 2001

Oops,  Looks like his phantom was carried right on through Word. 
Let's try again.  If this doesn't work, then I doubt a third time 
will be a charm, so I'll stop.

>Malvern and Mountainside - Day 3, December 9
>I awoke on Sunday, famished and ready to head out of Mandeville.  I 
>ate my breakfast as if it were the last meal I would ever see, and 
>then stopped off at my tire shack to snap a few photos.  After two 
>days as a fixture there, I was generating fewer and fewer stares. 
>I'll share these photos on the TILS discussion site just as soon as 
>I'm back on my feet.  Then all of you can say hi to Weedy and Larry.
>From Mandeville I headed west and then south, choosing to drive over 
>the mountains bordering the east side of St. Elizabeth parish.  This 
>habitat reminds me a lot of Southern California - sort of scrubby 
>chaparral.  The drive to Malvern, a tiny town on top of this ridge, 
>is quite pleasant.  There are a few nice places to pull over - most 
>of it requires some degree of trespassing - but I found the locals 
>very hospitable and curious.  One tiny lad that watched me at work 
>waited for me to say something, and then asked the burning question: 
>"Are you going to eat them?".  Only after three days with no food 
>and money could I fully appreciate this inquiry.  "No", I laughed, 
>but he didn't quite see the humor of it all.  I suppose the 
>strangest thing one can do in some cultures is to appear as if 
>you've got nothing better to do than to prance around and swing a 
>net at flying insects.  Why not help with the chores?  Build a 
>house, harvest some food, cast a line, dig a grave - something 
>productive!  (Of course, I could also choose to veg out on Ganja). 
>While I chose to assume that the lad might actually enjoy giving the 
>net a try, I'm sure he instead scratched his head in dismay.  It 
>made me feel a little bit like one of the infidels I've been hearing 
>so much about.
>The bugs were plentiful and interesting.  Once again, I found that 
>it was virtually impossible to make an accurate species list.  For 
>every new bug that came into view, another five flew by while I 
>wrestled with the netted capture.  I saw at least three different 
>Swallowtails, but was not able to net a single one.  The 
>Swallowtails were absent in and around Mandeville, but were 
>plentiful on this ridge.  There was wild croton abounding, and I was 
>pleased to find that the expected Anaea (Leafwing) was flying in 
>accompaniment.  The Jamaican representative is known as Anaea 
>portia, ruddier in appearance to the south Florida A. floridalis, 
>and with elongated secondary tails (or are those leaf-stems?). 
>There were mating pairs bounding in and out of the underbrush. 
>Another croton addict, Strymon acis gossei (a gorgeous hairstreak, 
>similar to its S. a. bartrami cousin), was found in this habitat. 
>The Mestra  dorcas was again common, along with plenty of Anthanassa 
>frisia (Cuban Crescent), a crescentspot that has eluded me in South 
>Florida.  Also present here was the Variegated cousin - Euptoieta 
>hegesia hegesia.
>The highlight of the highland area was Dynamine egaea - a stunning 
>metallic green Nymphalid (female is dimorphic), with an equally 
>stunning underside.  I only saw a few, but was quite elated to have 
>one grace the inside of my butterfly net.
>After spending an hour or so in the highlands, I drove to the bottom 
>of the basin at Mountainside where I found many Swallowtails and 
>Malachites and other large Nymphalids.  The prize at this location 
>(and seen previously) was the Jamaican version of Battus polydamus - 
>stunning in flight, looking very much like a Black Swallowtail.  All 
>but the Malachites proved difficult to capture, especially given 
>that I was so hungry and hot and tired.  I gave them all quite a 
>chase, but retreated quickly out of breath.  Often on my adventures 
>I hunt too long, and have to quit in exhaustion.  This was one of 
>those days.  I couldn't force even another swing - I was done.
>From here I drove through the Black River area, and on to Negril - a 
>western-most beach paradise where can be found many drunken tourists 
>enjoying various hedonistic pleasures.  During this off-season, a 
>room can run as high as $500-$800 a night.  It's twice that during 
>peak.  I laughed at the price (quoted at the discount rate of 
>$400/night), and found a most delightful beachfront hotel for $50 
>(It's called FootePrints).  They accepted my American Express card, 
>and allowed me to bill from the beachfront restaurant and bar - 
>which also served a delicious fare.  I got to know the help fairly 
>well, and enjoyed their company until the wee hours - during which 
>they watched me devour a heavenly meal of slow roasted pork.  I 
>broke down and drank Pina Coladas to boot.
>I was well rested and fed by the time I headed out the next morning 
>for Montego Bay.  The drive from Negril is a long and slow 3 hours, 
>but the views are spectacular.  This - and Ocho Rios - are the most 
>commonly visited parts of Jamaica.  I was proud to have spent so 
>much time in the interior.  I look forward to returning to this 
>hospitable land - and will most definitely head back into the 
>badlands.  The Blue Mountains, for sure, and perhaps a stop to visit 
>friends in Mandeville.
>My lists from Malvern and Mountainside (minus the skipper list):
>Danaus gilippus jamaicensis
>Calisto zangis
>Anaea portia
>Mestra dorcas
>Dynamine egaea egaea
>Junonia evarete
>Anartia jatrophae jamaicensis
>Siproeta stelenes stelenes
>Anthanassa frisia
>Euptoieta hegesia hegesia
>Heliconius charitonia simulator
>Dryas iulia delila
>Strymon acis gossei
>Hemiargus hanno ceraunus
>Leptotes cassius
>Ascia monuste eubotea
>Eurema nise
>Eurema dina parvumbra
>Eurema proterpia
>Eurema daira palmira
>Eurema lisa
>Eurema nicippe
>Kricogonia lyside
>Phoebis sennae
>Phoebis agarithe
>Heraclides andraemon andraemon
>Battus polydamus jamaicensis
>Mark Walker
>Oceanside, CA

Richard A. Worth
Oregon Department of Agriculture
Plant Division
rworth at
(503) 986-6461
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