John Shuey
jshuey at TNC.ORG
Fri Dec 21 08:22:39 EST 2001
> Anyone know if the wild violets, white and purple, that grow here in the
> northeast (Catskill Mts.) are the same as the host plant that speyeria
> idalia prefers? By the way, I used the scientific name right off the top
> of my head, aren't you proud? Hope I spelled it right.
> mail to:
> sebrez at
Now you have to learn your Viola Latin names. The classic hostplant
(locally common but not used as a host in my neck of the woods) is Viola
pedata. Of the 22 other Viola in Indiana, three (two purple and one white)
are probably the hosts - Viola pedatifida, Viola sagittata, and Viola
JOhn Shuey
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