a thankful Mark

BMW60 bmw60 at aol.com
Fri Dec 21 19:18:53 EST 2001

Hi Mark, This is Bill from Tucson.   I havent been on the net in a while, so I
dont know what evil demon had his way with.  Im just glad it worked out fine. 
I too really enjoy all your adventures and look forward to many more.  I was
surprised with your report from Jamaica as I didnt know you had been.  I think
I missed your first report.  Did you need special permits to collect or bring
specimens home?  Sounds like a pretty neat place to collect.  Ive never
collected outside the US and would proba ble have a heart attack seeing all
those new and colorful species!  I went to Florida a couple years ago, (during
the worst drought in 100 years), and was blown away with some of the bugs.  We
worked our butts off just to get a few of the mainstream stuff,  so I cant
imagine what a good year or a foreign country would to me!  I spent 20 years in
the Air Force all over the world but didnt start collecting until I got to
Arizona.  Even then I didnt start until 1994.  I was wondering if you knew of
any good collecting sights in southern Texas?  Brownsville in particular is
where I may be going in late April.  If not I will be going in October.  I plan
to do the moth thing also but I figured you would know more about the butterfly
action.  Anyway,  get well soon and start pumping out more great stories!  Take
care Mark,  Bill   Oh yea, disregard the E-mail address I sent this from (if
you reply), and use BMW60 at MSN.COM    Thanks


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