Big bang (was government thread)

Stan Gorodenski stanlep at
Tue Dec 25 22:33:32 EST 2001

> Stan, you were brave to name the name.  I won't (at least not now).   The

Ron, thanks for the kind words.  However, if you are referring to the
speaker, Margaret Geller, it would not be accurate to say I was 'brave'
in naming her - probably more like I had committed a political goof out
of ignorance if it would have been more appropriate (politically and
from the stand point of etiquette), to just reference her generically. 
Since it was a public presentation, I felt naming her was not
inappropriate, but maybe it was and, if so, I always welcome opinions,
such as yours, or correction to the proper etiquette in relaying
descriptions such as this. 


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