Lower Rio Grande Rarities
Chris J. Durden
drdn at mail.utexas.edu
Mon Dec 31 19:08:54 EST 2001
As Mike points out, there has been a recent run of truly remarkable
rarities sighted and photographed in the lower Rio Grande Valley. This is
not only due to a favorable episode in the climatic cycle but to the
recruitment of many new observers to the butterflying movement. We can view
this as a positive aspect of a movement that has also been responsible for
fostering a decline in the number of active collectors in the field - a
negative aspect in my opinion.
I suspect many of the readers of this list have at some time, made a
trip to "The Valley". I would like to challenge you to post your collected
records to this list. I shall compile them as they come in. Maybe we can
determine the phase of the climatic cycle that promotes the occurrence of
these rarities in the US. I would suggest reporting your records from the
13 southernmost counties of Texas. Some of you may know of specimens in
other collections (some of which may have been taken without property-owner
permission). I would hate to see these records disappear because of their
legal (or retroactive legal status) so I would suggest reporting them in
some anonymous manner. A specimen photo would raise some of these records
from the level of hearsay to the level of acceptable record. The 1981
redefinition of the U.S. Legal term "wildlife" renders all un-permitted
collections of butterflies on Wildlife Refuges illegal contraband for the
period both after and before 1981 by present interpretation, even though
the concept of anterior culpability appears to be unconstitutional.
There was good collecting in the RGV in the 1960's-70's. Mike Rickard
and Bill McGuire published a checklist based on these records. Roy Kendall
also published many new records from this period. Raymond Neck scoured the
literature for published records before this period and summarized some of
his findings in his Field Guide to Butterflies of Texas.. There was good
collecting in the RGV in the 1940's and H. A. Freeman published many of
these records. There was another beneficial spell around 1900 which led to
some of the inclusions by Holland in The Butterfly Book, some of which have
not been seen since. The first beneficial spell on record was at the time
of the International Boundary Survey and the Emory Expedition, the results
of which were published by Scudder in the 1870's.
...............Chris Durden
At 03:47 PM 12/31/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>Over the last few years, the local Valleyites have come to develop an
>awareness of the incredible butterfly diversity that exists along the Rio
>Grande. They've built numerous gardens and are now sending in regular
>reports to the TX-Butterfly Listserv. The first link below has photos of a
>portion of the recent rarities reported from along the Rio Grande. Mike
>Recent Rio Grande Valley Rarities
>NABA-South Texas
>NABA Butterfly Park
>TX-Butterfly Listserv
>Mike Quinn
>New Braunfels, TX
>ento at satx.rr.com
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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