TTR style -- still waiting for the wife component to return.

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Thu Feb 1 20:50:59 EST 2001

When considering what style the TILS publication would take,  I eventually
arrived at the following.
It is not going to be a Journal. It was not going to be a Bulletin. I
thought, lets call it a report - The Taxonomic Report.

I checked around and found that many diverse types of organizations were
moving to 8 1/2 X 11 formats. The little pamphlet style was going out of
vogue. (Lep Soc. is a case in point - although TTR put out this format
before they did.)   Ok, 8 1/2 X 11. I have been writing and publishing
stuff for 25 years - newspapers, small pamphlets, books. I could have
chosen any paper, covered or non covered, etc.  It was decided that
individual pages stapled on the side fit the idea of a "report."

I'm not sure, but I think someone might have had TTR in mind when they
referred (smugly) to taxonomic info. published in "fliers".  If we had a 20
million dollar budget the TTR would look just the same. It is published on
high quality acid free paper.We could do it on 11 X 17 fold and staple -
put a card stock cover on it like the Lep Soc. - or no cover like AME or
JRL. Oh, and what difference does it make if the staples are on the outside
left side, or outside back middle? All publications are all held together
by staples unless they are glued covered books. Then there is the matter of
content. Style and content are worlds apart. Porno can be found in some
pretty fancy wrappers but it is still trash. Content makes the publication
not the style. Besides, TTR is one of the few, perhaps only, scientific
publications that is produced on CD to all subscribers and participating
libraries and museums. That is cutting edge 21st century publication.

Ah perfect timing - my wife of 35 glorious years is back home. She IS the
boss. (Valentines day is on the way. )


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