Ron Gatrelle
gatrelle at
Sun Feb 4 23:08:00 EST 2001
To the observers.
It is interesting how many things I am reading in the current exchanges
that are phrased in terms that I use but define differently, or find I am
in error because I am not as far into some area of study and thus lack
certain understanding. For example, I am far from a geneticist but probably
know just enough to, as they say, be dangerous.
I tend to be the jump-in-at-the-deep-end-of-the-pool-and-learn-to-swim type
of person. I told Jeff Oliver off line that I wish more of the people who
are subscribed to this list, that we never hear from, would be inspired by
my goofs, misstatements or whatever to also jump in. This is not a formal
scientific publication. Leps-l is a social setting where the novice and old
pro can communicate and learn from each other.
We post here 99% of the time in English. It is understood when non English
speaking people post messages that words and terms are not always going to
be correct - this does not mean they are wrong. In the same way, those who
are trying to communicate on scientific subject matter can only do so in
scientific language - sometimes the correct terms are not used, but this
does not mean that what the person is trying to communicate is incorrect.
I am a talker. I need to be encouraged to just zip it sometimes. I would
like to see more people do more talking and encourage them (you) to do so.
I know sometimes some of us talkers can be fairly cranky, well I am sure
that the bark is a lot worse than the bit with most is not all.
I intend to continue to post. This means I will be speaking about what I
know, what I think I know, and what I don't know (but think I do).
Participation is one of the most important opportunities of life. When it
presents itself don't miss it. Don't wait for a couple of "know it alls" to
get into a debate and as an observer say: "so that is what that means. I
always wondered about that." Just ask for yourself, otherwise you may never
find out.
Having said this, let me get back to the topical discussions. Posts of
various quality to follow. (The trees are budding, I'm so happy!)
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