How do butterflies flit?

O.G. Marti, Jr. omarti at
Tue Feb 6 13:31:25 EST 2001

> but scales can cause 
> serious irritation to the esophagus, trachea, eyes, and other mucous
> membranes.  I have also heard that some people have allergic reactions
> to them as well.  
> >
> >Richard Grace

When I was in French Guiana in 1987, there was a student at the 
ORSTOM entomology lab in Cayenne studying Hylesia metabus for the 
reason you mentioned.  This species apparently was a problem around the 
French rocket launching center at Kourou.  The moths got down the 
worker's collars at night and caused itching and allergic reactions. As I 
recall, it was urticarial body hairs, rather than wing scales, per se, that 
cause the problem. 

Orville G. Marti, Jr., Microbiologist
PO Box 748
Tifton, GA.  31793

omarti at
Phone: 912-387-2328  (office)
Phone: 912-387-2350  (lab)
FAX  : 912-387-2321 


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