New Moth Images Web Resource

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Tue Feb 6 14:16:07 EST 2001

An immediate favorite. You've done a lot of work!!!!!!
----- Original Message -----
From: <John.Snyder at>
To: <leps-l at>
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 11:53 AM
Subject: New Moth Images Web Resource

> I am developing a web site that tells you where to find images (photos or
> drawings) of North American moth species, both adult and caterpillar
> It is far from finished, but perhaps worth making public.
> (a)  What I call it:  Imagelist
> (b)  Where it is:
> (c)  What it's good for:  While all species are shown in the journal
> articles where they are first described, not all of us have access to the
> major research libraries where these are archived.  We often have to rely
> on the relatively few books that have been published and (recently) on
> images posted on the Web.  This resource attempts to tell you which
> and web site(s) have at least one image of any particular species.  You
> will spend much less time thumbing through your personal or public
> if you know where to go.
> (c)  What the site looks like:  really boring, just a bunch of tables
> saying "yes" or "no" for each species and each book or web site.  But
> a huge amount of information.
> (d)  Which resources have been examined and described for each species:
>      A Field Guide to the Moths of Eastern North America, by Covell
>      Le Guides Papillons du Quebéc, by Handfield
>      Macromoths of Northwest Forests and Woodlands, by Miller and Hammond
>      The Moth Book, by Holland (using modern nomenclature, supplied in
> publication by Joel M. Johnson)
>      Butterflies and Moths of Missouri, by Heitzman and Heitzman
>      Moths of America North of Mexico, including Greenland ("MONA"),
> continuing series of fascicles
>      Caterpillars of Pacific Northwest Forests and Woodlands, by Miller
>      Caterpillars of Eastern Forests, by Wagner, et al.
>      Web Images of North American Moth Species, by Snyder (web site)
> (e)  What it covers, so far:  only two families, Noctuidae and
> But more will be added continuously over the coming weeks.
> (f)  Disclaimers:  I relied on the authors for getting the
> right.  The nomenclature is mostly from the 1983 Checklist of Hodges, et
> al., exept for those that have been changed in more recent MONA
> If I didn't find a species in one of these resources, I don't mention it
> all.
> Try it, see if it is valuable for you, give me feedback.
> John Snyder
> Dept. of Biology
> Furman University
> john.snyder at
>  ------------------------------------------------------------
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