What is a superspecies
Bob Parcelles,Jr.
rjparcelles at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 7 18:04:09 EST 2001
--- Dale Hoyt <dlhoyt at negia.net> wrote:
> I can't speak from any knowledge of the new ICZN
> code, except what Ron
> Gatrelle has excerpted. But from my earlier
> knowledge of systematics I'd
> say that the difference between subgenera and
> superspecies is that the
> subgenus is a formal category grouping one or more
> species within a genus.
> If subgenera are recognized there ought to be two or
> more subgenera within
> a genus. (Just as with subspecies -- you can't have
> only one.)
> The superspecies concept was not originally meant to
> be part of the formal
> taxonomic nomenclature. A superspecies is a group of
> closely related
> allopatric (or nearly allopatric -- parapatric)
> populations that appear to
Thanks. It is crystal clear now. Super species is
certainly an interested concept and should be used
where indicated. With more and more DNA work we will
be able to have many new subgenera as well as
Bob Parcelles, Jr
Pinellas Park, FL
RJP Associates <rjpassociates at yahoo.com>
rjparcelles at yahoo.com
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