permits and licenses

Jim Taylor 1_iron at
Wed Feb 14 05:40:48 EST 2001

Strongly disagree with Rudy. Why put my neck under the boot of yet another
bureaucrat? Added enforcement = added spending - and there goes my tax cut.
I should like the govt to deliver my mail, fix my roads, and otherwise stay
away from me.

Jim Taylor
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris J. Durden" <drdn at>
To: <leps-l at>
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 1:16 AM
Subject: Re: permits and licenses

> Yes I think the Xerces Society would represent both amateur and
> professional non-vertebrate biologists very well. One or more of the other
> special interest groups might not be as acceptable to all of us.
> ............Chris Durden
> At 09:12 PM 2/13/2001 +0000, you wrote:
> >I think the idea of the insect stamp is good, but there also needs to be
> >partnership or an alliance with USFWS, the National Parks Service, and
> >National Forest Service to communicate and exchange ideas....similiar to
> >what Ducks Unlimited and some of the other organizations do.  Maybe
> >someone like the Xerces Society could establish such a dialogue and begin
> >that type of alliances which would  help to benefit insectfauna
> >research, and conservation on public lands.
> >
> >Rudy Benavides
> >Maryland
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