Fw: Re: Tucson sightings

mbpi at juno.com mbpi at juno.com
Wed Feb 21 19:19:20 EST 2001

Meant to send this to the group...

--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <mbpi at juno.com>
To: gatrelle at tils-ttr.org
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 17:52:46 -0600
Subject: Re: Tucson sightings
Message-ID: <20010221.175311.-245529.2.mbpi at juno.com>

Now, now, Ron...let's not allow elitist "snobbery" get the better of us

The 4th of July Counts may appear to be most productive in the New York
area due to climatic factors, but they do have a place and a purpose in
the overall education of those who want to learn more about butterfly
species and their propensity for appearing where and when they do,
regardless of where in the country the counts are performed.  It's a good
way for determining broods, population trends, degradation of habitat,
which species aren't  present and why...and an excellent opportunity for
a novice to go out in the field with more experienced Lepsters and learn
the subtle nuances associated with flight patterns, host plants, nectar
sources, habitat preferences, competition, weather impact...etc, etc. 
The great Naturalists of our time were "observers," not bona fide

No doubt the "exact numbers" are irrelevant:  it's the camaraderie and
opportunity to be out in the field with others who SHARE a similar
interest.  Not such a bad thing, if you ask me.  Far better than taking a
day trip with a church group to a "bingo parlor."  (Excuse the simile,
but I couldn't come up with anything "cleaner.")

If I may be so bold as to conjecture:  you spend FAR "too much time" on
the airwaves, when you could be out in the field passing on your
incredible knowledge to those of us who would love to be out in the field
with someone willing to share his expertise!!!

My humble and observant opinion....

M.B. Prondzinski

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