WEB info

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at tils-ttr.org
Wed Jan 3 22:49:40 EST 2001

Lepsters -- On the www.tils-ttr.org home page there is now a text in the
upper left hand corner that says "last updated". It is underlined which
means that if you click on it you can access the log of what was done and
when. Thus, a person doesn't have to wander through the whole web site to
try to find out if anything is new. This looks like a very useful feature
to me. I wish some of the other web sites I occasionally drop in on had
    Another feature just added to the site has to do with how its texts are
updated. The site does not have to be taken off line to adjust any of its
texts. Our web master has installed a program on my computer that allows me
to do this right from my PC quickly and easily. I just type in the text I
want,  click save and it automatically goes up. With this tool any computer
novice can now update or add to their own Web site without being a
programmer. If interested in more info about this I recommend you contact
our Web master, Joe's Littleworld,  at his email jovon at mail.com . His fees
are very reasonable.     The first page of 2:7 is now available and we hope
to have the cover page of 2:8 up by this weekend. This will complete Vol.
2. It also means that the Vol. 2 CD should be available for purchase about
mid January. All of our publications can be ordered by credit card on the
site. PayPal is our secure on line bank.
R. G.
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