Costa Rica trip

Woody Woods woody.woods at
Thu Jan 4 21:15:15 EST 2001

This may not be what you hoped to hear, but if you are not collecting for
documentable research purposes, I think you may find that you can't get such
permits. I went through the process a couple of years ago with the help of OTS
(Organization for Tropical Studies), of which my university is a member, and
had to provide a detailed account of planned research and much other
information in Spanish-- and this was only for the collecting permit, and
didn't cover permission from landowners or reserve directors. The export
permit is another matter altogether, and requires that you have a collaborator
attached to the University of Costa Rica and be willing to donate duplicate
specimens to their natural history museum. Endemic species cannot, as I
remember, be exported in any case.
This may be disappointing, but on the other hand Costa Rica's relatively
strong wildlife conservation policies are one reason the place is so worth
visiting! Bring back pictures instead!
Deedra Hovey wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am (hopefully) going to Costa Rica in a couple of months. I was wondering
> if is possible to get permits for collecting for a personal collection and
> from whom do I apply to.
>  (actually I want to collect beetles and frogs).
> thanks
> ken hovey
> hovey at
>  ------------------------------------------------------------
>    For subscription and related information about LEPS-L visit:
William A. Woods Jr.
Department of Biology
University of Massachusetts Boston
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