Painted Lady & American PLady

nick.bowles nick.bowles at
Sat Jan 6 11:39:23 EST 2001

 I'm hoping that some of you have regular opportunities to see both the
Painted Lady Cynthia cardui and the American Painted Lady C.virginienis.  In
the UK we get a very few American Painted Lady claimed each year and some
definitely are individuals of that species. They tend to arrive with the
autumn hurricanes that also blow the Monarch across the Atlantic to us.  (5
Monarchs and 2 Am Painted Lady reported in 2000   -  fewer than usual)
Anyway, the variability of the Painted Lady C.cardui means that a lot of
these claims have to be treated with scepticism just because it is so
difficult for those of us with little experience of the American PL C
virginienis to advise on reliable ways to spot American Painted Lady from
the abberrant Painted Lady lookalikes. Especially as most observers get very
brief views.  There seems to be  afeeling that the American Painted Lady is
difficult to approach.
Most claims are based upon the number of spots on the underside hindwing.
There are 3 named variants on the 'standard' Painted Lady cardui design with
only 2 hindwing spots.  But any 'odd' PL with only two obvious spots is
speculatively suggested as American PL virginienis -  but there must be
better id features to look for.  I hope!!
Any suggestions of reliable jizz/features gratefully recieved.
Best Wishes
                    Nick Bowles
compiler of reports for Butterfly Line and British Wildlife magazine.
Conservation Officer, Upper Thames Branch,  Butterfly Conservation
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