South African clearwing moths

Kelly Richers KeRichers at
Wed Jan 10 15:08:53 EST 2001

Tom-or any others who might know.  I am looking for a location reference =
for "Camp 19" in Yosemite.  It was an old moth collecting spot I cannot =
locate on modern maps or campsite references.  I am primarily interested =
in what counti it might be located in.  Kelly
>>> "Thomas Eichlin" <TEichlin at> 01/10/01 10:00AM >>>
Two species of clearwing moths (Sesiidae) have been reared from Aspalathus =
linearis (Fabaceae) (red tea), a native plant in the Cape area of South =
Africa.  Does anyone know anything about these?  I was asked to find names =
for the species.  I have not seen any literature mentioning these.  TIA
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