Photos of urban monarch overwintering sites in California
Neil Jones
Neil at
Wed Jan 10 17:42:40 EST 2001
In article <001401c07b03$094e0400$c53d0a3f at page>
pageclan at "Barbara Page" writes:
> I've seen, heard and Paul's extremely professional profession that he has
> given in front of many leading researchers and he never has condoned the
> destruction of habitat.
Indeed he is professional. He is well known in California for his
promotion of the anti-conservation or so called "wise use' cause.
For those who do not know the "wise use' movement is a conglomeration
of tobacco, chemical industry etc. lobby groups who campaign against
all environmental protection regulations that might impinge on their
profit margins. It is a political movement that has little to do with science.
One typical "wise use" claim was that cigarettes were not addictive.
I have met people who know about science and his presentations they were not
impressed by his accuracy. A look in the archive will show many inaccurate
claims which have been thoroughly debubunked repeatedly.
He has simply documented the fact that Monarchs in
> California seem to do 'fine' when they cluster directly over a six lane
> highway (now that is a photo I wish all could see) or over someone's
> 'ranchero'. They even cluster in some very arid locations.
You are mistaken. He has proven nothing of the sort. How do we know,
for example, that they would not do even better under more natural circumstances.
> > Two things:
> >
> > 1. To give Paul credit, he does mention destruction of habitat for
> > other species in creating golf courses, etc. Even though it *might*
> > provide habitat for Monarchs, I don't think we want to run around
> > condoning destruction of natural habitat on the off chance that it
> > provides Monarch overwintering grounds.
> >
> > 2. Just because *past* development practices have led to some
> > apparent appropriate Monarch habitat does *not* mean
> > development practices are the same today, or will remain the same
> > in the future. You *cannot* assume that golf courses built today
> > will actually provide appropriate Monarch habitat.
> >
> > james
> >
> > Dr. James K. Adams
> > Dept. of Natural Science and Math
> > Dalton State College
> > 213 N. College Drive
> > Dalton, GA 30720
> > Phone: (706)272-4427; fax: (706)272-2533
> > U of Michigan's President James Angell's
> > Secret of Success: "Grow antennae, not horns"
> >
> >
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Neil Jones- Neil at
"At some point I had to stand up and be counted. Who speaks for the
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