photos of urban Monarchs overwintering in Calif.

Barbara Page pageclan at
Thu Jan 11 06:18:19 EST 2001

Dear Marian,
Of course!  I was ONLY speaking of Monarchs.  I am quite myopic in my
appreciation of lepidoptera and readily admit my limited dedication to one
species of butterfly.  (This won't get me kicked off the list, will it?)
Barbara Page
----- Original Message -----
From: "Marian Fricano" <MFricano at>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 4:21 PM
Subject: RE: photos of urban Monarchs overwintering in Calif.
> >>> "Barbara Page" <pageclan at> 01/10/01 05:39AM >>>
> Isn't the point that, despite all the spraying, growth-inhibiting,
> watering
> and typical golf-course activities, the butterflies survive (or thrive)?
> Barbara Page>>
> Yes and No!  These Monarchs may survive as they do not need grass or any
> of the plants on golf courses for their larvae.  They simply fly in and
> cluster far above the spraying.  What about all the other leps that need
> grass, etc. for their larvae?  What about low flying skippers, etc.???
> I do not think that just because the Monarchs have found a way to
> survive the spraying at golf courses this is an indication that spraying
> is OK!
> Marian Fricano
> Leps lurker
> Organic gardener and appreciator and consumer of organic foods, habitat
> restoration advocate.
> >>> "Barbara Page" <pageclan at> 01/10/01 05:39AM >>>
> Isn't the point that, despite all the spraying, growth-inhibiting,
> watering
> and typical golf-course activities, the butterflies survive (or thrive)?
> Barbara Page
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