Albany Hill Monarchs
Fri Jan 12 16:56:20 EST 2001
Thanks for the info.
Paul Cherubini <cherubini at> wrote in message
news:3A5D17D0.61E8 at
> Sally wrote:
> > In early January, there were a lot of monarchs at Albany
> > Hill in California. Seems like 90% of them are gone now.
> > Did they leave for other overwintering sites? Did they get
> > eaten? Did the rain kill them? Are they hiding
> > someplace? Anybody know? Thanks.
> Gary Stell and I saw about 500 monarchs atop Albany Hill
> in Berkeley, Calif. on Jan. 6. The clusters at this site
> have always broken up and dispersed by late January. The
> butterflies become free flying individuals in the nearby area
> unassociated with any specific aggregation site. Indeed, they
> are so dispersed one sometimes has the impression they aren't
> even around anymore.
> About 4 miles to the north of Albany Hill there is the
> University of Calif. Richmond Field Station overwintering
> site. The monarchs at this site tend to cluster longer into
> the winter (well into February in some years).
> Paul Cherubini, Placerville, Calif.
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