
Stanley A. Gorodenski stanlep at
Sun Jan 14 12:10:36 EST 2001

For moths, one hotspot is the collecting canister of a light trap.  The
best way to find these 'hotspots' is, with a pair of binoculars, to
drive around at night looking for the tell tale light of these light
traps.   (-:
Todd Redhead wrote:
> Question from a relative newcomer:
> Collectors, it seems to me, all seem to have a couple of "hotspots" where
> they collect regularly.  A good hotspot might be an area where one can find
> some uncommon species with some regularity or maybe where there is a large
> diveristy of insects that can be found in sheer numbers.  These hotspots
> are, for obvious reasons, often closely guarded secrets.
> Here is my question:
> How do collectors out there find these places?  Is there a method that is
> commonly followed or is it just hit and miss?  How would you suggest a
> newbee (me) go about developing his own hotspots?
> Thanks from Toronto (about 20 deg F today)
> Todd
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