inaccuracy - Helping the other side

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Mon Jan 15 14:49:05 EST 2001

Todd's post of a Canadian governmental body putting black swallowtails and
other common "showy" butterflies on some kind of "protected" list is
exactly the kind of legislative science (Junk Science?!) the other side
(what ever that is) is looking for. So in a few years after this
unresearched, feel fuzzily good, "law" is shot down and someone tries to
introduce needed legislation to provide legal shelter for a truly
threatened tick, mosquito, fly, dragonfly, or moth species do you think
anyone will want to put their neck out to their constituents on that? For
something to prevail it must have a rock solid foundation. Inaccuracy is
sinking sand. Anything built on inaccuracy is destined to be washed away
when the flood comes. It is only a matter of time.
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