FW: the extremists/ be careful

Chris J. Durden drdn at mail.utexas.edu
Wed Jan 24 11:24:40 EST 2001

Yes in the past I have been appalled at the extent of goat herding,
lumbering and lately hauling out of the remaining firewood in at least one
National Park in Mexico.
    In our own National Parks I have also been amazed at the intensity of
sport fishing and the use of insecticide spray on mosquitos in campgrounds,
while butterfly collecting which is far less damaging to the ecology than
is the stocking and taking of fish, is prohibited.
............Chris Durden
At 08:48 AM 1/24/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>I guess the definition of "National Park" varies from place to place. When I
>first visited Canadian National Parks I was amazed that there was logging
>on in the parks.  It was more like US definition of National Forests.
>M. Gochfeld
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