UV light traps - how far above the ground?
Thomas, Tony
tthomas at nrcan.gc.ca
Mon Jan 29 14:36:43 EST 2001
> about how far off the ground they should be positioned.
If you believe the literature, moths respond to lamps at a distance of from
10-25 m. Thus it should not make any difference how high/low you place the
trap; except perhaps if you are working in a forest with a canopy >25 m.
However, you will get a different bunch of species above a forest canopy
than below. I run my traps at ground level, even in forests. In open
prairie, my guess would be that a trap as close to the ground as possible
would be best. I suppose another consideration is whether or not you place a
roof over the trap. I rarely use a roof and rely on a water trap within the
main trap to catch the rain.
Dr. A.W. Thomas
Research Scientist
Canadian Forest Service - Atlantic Forestry Centre
Natural Resources Canada
PO Box 4000
1350 Regent Street
Fredericton, NB
E3B 5P7
e-mail: tthomas at nrcan.gc.ca
'phone (506) 452-3523
FAX (506) 452-3525
Giant Silkmoth website:
Illustrated Checklist of Fundy National Park Moths website:
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