Powering MV from batteries

David Chesmore e.d.chesmore at eng.hull.ac.uk
Tue Jan 30 13:38:44 EST 2001

It is possible to power a MV lamp from a 12V battery using an inverter.
BUT the problem with running high wattage lamps from car batteries using
inverters is twofold:
1.  The current consumed for a 175W lamp at 110V should be about 1.6A
(175/110), this translates to just under 14A at 12.6V (100% inverter
efficiency).  For a 400W lamp, this would rise to 33A so any reasonable car
battery (e.g. a 40Ah) would last a very short time.  A 40Ah battery would
operate a 125W MV lamp for less than 3 hours.
2.  No inverter is 100% efficient and is more like 85% so the current would
be higher.
I hope this helps
Dr David Chesmore, FRES, MIAgrE
Department of Engineering
Faculty of Science
University of Hull
Hull, HU6 7RX
Tel: +1482 465062
Fax: +1482 466664
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