lep names

James J Kruse fnjjk1 at aurora.uaf.edu
Wed Jan 31 13:30:06 EST 2001

> This may be helpful. I hope so.  Taxonomic decisions are made by individual
> people or a group of people who have agreed to reach a decision through
> negotiation and consensus.
Negotiation and consensus based on the scientific evidence I hope...
>   It does not wash in a democratic society populated by
> intelligent and educated people.
Are you suggesting that the committee present a list of names and
alternate names and we should vote? This doesn't sound like a process
grounded in as unbiased science as possible, but rather an opinion poll
where majority rules.
>  Taxonomic correctness by committee edict or because some expert
> 'said so' just does not cut it. It only serves to alienate people.
No, it should not be done according to 'so and so said so'. There should
be some scientific basis in the literature or ongoing research.
>  It must include subspecies to be useful and comprehensive.  People who
> do not like subspecies and who do not appreciate the importance of
My opinion on this was voiced last week. However, I do think that there
are some useful subspecific names, but plenty more that are not. Garbage
in, garbage out. Ever wonder why all the rest of zoology has abandoned
subspecies except most of the butterfly researchers?
>   Any and all changes from the previous miller/brown/ferris
> checklists need to be thoughtfully explained and referenced so that readers
> can a) understand, b) check original sources if they do not find the writers
> arguments to be convincing.
Okay, this sounds more like science going on rather than 'democracy'. I am
all for a comprehensive list and, being usually agreeable but somewhat
argumentative, the opportunity to debate.
James J. Kruse, Ph.D.
Curator of Entomology
University of Alaska Museum
907 Yukon Drive, PO Box 756960
Fairbanks, AK  99775-6960
Phone: 907.474.5579
Fax: 907.474.1987/5469
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